1 Colour - Checker Detection#
A Python package implementing various colour checker detection algorithms and related utilities.
It is open source and freely available under the BSD-3-Clause terms.

1.1 Features#
The following colour checker detection algorithms are implemented:
1.1.1 Examples#
Various usage examples are available from the examples directory.
1.2 User Guide#
1.3 API Reference#
1.4 Code of Conduct#
The Code of Conduct, adapted from the Contributor Covenant 1.4, is available on the Code of Conduct page.
1.6 About#
Colour - Checker Detection by Colour Developers
Copyright 2018 Colour Developers – colour-developers@colour-science.org
This software is released under terms of BSD-3-Clause: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause