Source code for colour_checker_detection.detection.segmentation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Colour Checker Detection - Segmentation

Defines objects for colour checker detection using segmentation:

-   :func:`colour_checkers_coordinates_segmentation`
-   :func:`extract_colour_checkers_segmentation`
-   :func:`detect_colour_checkers_segmentation`

-   :cite:`Abecassis2011` : Abecassis, F. (2011). OpenCV - Rotation
    (Deskewing). Retrieved October 27, 2018, from

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import cv2
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple

from colour.models import cctf_decoding, cctf_encoding
from colour.utilities import as_float_array, as_int_array, as_int

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2018-2019 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'ColourCheckersDetectionData', 'ColourCheckerSwatchesData', 'swatch_masks',
    'as_8_bit_BGR_image', 'adjust_image', 'is_square', 'contour_centroid',
    'scale_contour', 'crop_and_level_image_with_rectangle',

Colour checker aspect ratio.

ASPECT_RATIO : numeric

Colour checker horizontal swatches count.


Colour checker vertical swatches count.


Colour checker total swatches count.


Swatch minimum area factor :math:`f` with the minimum area :math:`m_a`
expressed as follows: :math:`m_a = image_w * image_h / s_c / f` where
:math:`image_w`, :math:`image_h` and :math:`s_c` are respectively the image
width, height and the swatches count.


Width processed images are resized to.


class ColourCheckersDetectionData(
            ('colour_checkers', 'clusters', 'swatches', 'segmented_image'))):
    Colour checkers detection data used for plotting, debugging and further

    colour_checkers : array_like
        Colour checker bounding boxes, i.e., the. clusters that have the
        relevant count of swatches.
    clusters : array_like
        Detected swatches clusters.
    swatches : array_like
        Detected swatches.
    segmented_image : numeric or array_like
        Thresholded/Segmented image.

class ColourCheckerSwatchesData(
            ('swatch_colours', 'colour_checker_image', 'swatch_masks'))):
    Colour checker swatches data used for plotting, debugging and further

    swatch_colours : array_like
        Colour checker swatches colours.
    colour_checker_image : array_like
        Cropped and levelled Colour checker image.
    swatch_masks : array_like
        Colour checker swatches masks.

def swatch_masks(width, height, swatches_h, swatches_v, samples):
    Returns swatch masks for given image width and height and swatches count.

    width : int
        Image width.
    height : height
        Image height.
    swatches_h : int
        Horizontal swatches count.
    swatches_v : int
        Vertical swatches count.
    samples : int
        Samples count.

        List of swatch masks.

    >>> from pprint import pprint
    >>> pprint(swatch_masks(16, 8, 4, 2, 1))
    [array([2, 2, 2, 2]),
     array([2, 2, 6, 6]),
     array([ 2,  2, 10, 10]),
     array([ 2,  2, 14, 14]),
     array([6, 6, 2, 2]),
     array([6, 6, 6, 6]),
     array([ 6,  6, 10, 10]),
     array([ 6,  6, 14, 14])]

    samples = as_int(samples / 2)

    masks = []
    offset_h = width / swatches_h / 2
    offset_v = height / swatches_v / 2
    for j in np.linspace(offset_v, height - offset_v, swatches_v):
        for i in np.linspace(offset_h, width - offset_h, swatches_h):
                    [j - samples, j + samples, i - samples, i + samples]))

    return masks

def as_8_bit_BGR_image(image):
    Converts and encodes given linear float *RGB* image to 8-bit *BGR* with
    *sRGB* reverse OETF.

    image : array_like
        Image to convert.

        Converted image.

    -   In the eventuality where the image is already an integer array, the
        conversion is by-passed.

    >>> from colour.algebra import random_triplet_generator
    >>> prng = np.random.RandomState(4)
    >>> image = list(random_triplet_generator(8, random_state=prng))
    >>> image = np.reshape(image, [4, 2, 3])
    >>> print(image)
    [[[ 0.96702984  0.25298236  0.0089861 ]
      [ 0.54723225  0.43479153  0.38657128]]
     [[ 0.97268436  0.77938292  0.04416006]
      [ 0.71481599  0.19768507  0.95665297]]
     [[ 0.69772882  0.86299324  0.43614665]
      [ 0.2160895   0.98340068  0.94897731]]
     [[ 0.97627445  0.16384224  0.78630599]
      [ 0.00623026  0.59733394  0.8662893 ]]]
    >>> image = as_8_bit_BGR_image(image)
    >>> print(image)
    [[[ 23 137 251]
      [167 176 195]]
     [[ 59 228 251]
      [250 122 219]]
     [[176 238 217]
      [249 253 128]]
     [[229 112 252]
      [239 203  18]]]
    >>> as_8_bit_BGR_image(image)
    array([[[ 23, 137, 251],
            [167, 176, 195]],
           [[ 59, 228, 251],
            [250, 122, 219]],
           [[176, 238, 217],
            [249, 253, 128]],
           [[229, 112, 252],
            [239, 203,  18]]], dtype=uint8)

    image = np.asarray(image)

    if image.dtype == np.uint8:
        return image

    return cv2.cvtColor((cctf_encoding(image) * 255).astype(np.uint8),

def adjust_image(image, target_width=WORKING_WIDTH):
    Adjusts given image so that it is horizontal and resizes it to given target

    image : array_like
        Image to adjust.
    target_width : int, optional
        Width the image is resized to.

        Resized image.

    >>> from colour.algebra import random_triplet_generator
    >>> prng = np.random.RandomState(4)
    >>> image = list(random_triplet_generator(8, random_state=prng))
    >>> image = np.reshape(image, [2, 4, 3])
    >>> adjust_image(image, 5)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    array([[[ 0.9925326...,  0.2419374..., -0.0139522...],
            [ 0.6174496...,  0.3460755...,  0.3189758...],
            [ 0.7447774...,  0.6786660...,  0.1652180...],
            [ 0.9476451...,  0.6550805...,  0.2609945...],
            [ 0.6991505...,  0.1623470...,  1.0120867...]],
           [[ 0.7269885...,  0.8556784...,  0.4049920...],
            [ 0.2666564...,  1.0401633...,  0.8238320...],
            [ 0.6419699...,  0.5442698...,  0.9082210...],
            [ 0.7894426...,  0.1944301...,  0.7906868...],
            [-0.0526997...,  0.6236684...,  0.8711482...]]])

    width, height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
    if width < height:
        image = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
        height, width = width, height

    ratio = width / target_width

    if np.allclose(ratio, 1):
        return image
        return cv2.resize(
            image, (as_int(target_width), as_int(height / ratio)),

def is_square(contour, tolerance=0.015):
    Returns if given contour is a square.

    contour : array_like
        Shape to test whether it is a square.
    tolerance : numeric, optional
        Tolerance under which the contour is considered to be a square.

        Whether given contour is a square.

    >>> shape = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]])
    >>> is_square(shape)
    >>> shape = np.array([[0.5, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]])
    >>> is_square(shape)

    return cv2.matchShapes(contour, np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]]),
                           cv2.CONTOURS_MATCH_I2, 0.0) < tolerance

def contour_centroid(contour):
    Returns the centroid of given contour.

    contour : array_like
        Contour to return the centroid of.

        Contour centroid.

    -   A :class:`tuple` class is returned instead of a :class:`ndarray` class
        for convenience with *OpenCV*.

    >>> contour = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]])
    >>> contour_centroid(contour)
    (0.5, 0.5)

    moments = cv2.moments(contour)
    centroid = np.array(
        [moments['m10'] / moments['m00'], moments['m01'] / moments['m00']])

    return centroid[0], centroid[1]

def scale_contour(contour, factor):
    Scales given contour by given scale factor.

    contour : array_like
        Contour to scale.
    factor : numeric
        Scale factor.

        Scaled contour.

    >>> contour = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]])
    >>> scale_contour(contour, 2)
    array([[ 0.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  0.],
           [ 2.,  2.],
           [ 0.,  2.]])

    centroid = as_int_array(contour_centroid(contour))
    scaled_contour = (as_float_array(contour) - centroid) * factor + centroid

    return scaled_contour

def crop_and_level_image_with_rectangle(image, rectangle):
    Crops and rotates/levels given image using given rectangle.

    image : array_like
        Image to crop and rotate/level.
    rectangle : tuple
        Rectangle used to crop and rotate/level the image.

        Cropped and rotated/levelled image.


    -   ``image`` is expected to be an unsigned 8-bit sRGB encoded image.

    >>> import os
    >>> from colour import read_image
    >>> from colour_checker_detection import TESTS_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY
    >>> path = os.path.join(TESTS_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY,
    ...                     'colour_checker_detection', 'detection',
    ...                     'IMG_1967.png')
    >>> image = as_8_bit_BGR_image(adjust_image(read_image(path)))
    >>> rectangle = (
    ...     (723.29608154, 465.50939941),
    ...     (461.24377441, 696.34759522),
    ...     -88.18692780,
    ... )
    >>> print(image.shape)
    (958, 1440, 3)
    >>> image = crop_and_level_image_with_rectangle(image, rectangle)
    >>> print(image.shape)
    (461, 696, 3)

    width, height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
    width_r, height_r = rectangle[1]
    centroid = as_int_array(contour_centroid(cv2.boxPoints(rectangle)))
    centroid = centroid[0], centroid[1]
    angle = rectangle[-1]

    if angle < -45:
        angle += 90
        width_r, height_r = height_r, width_r

    width_r, height_r = as_int_array([width_r, height_r])

    M_r = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(centroid, angle, 1)

    image_r = cv2.warpAffine(image, M_r, (width, height), cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    image_c = cv2.getRectSubPix(image_r, (width_r, height_r),
                                (centroid[0], centroid[1]))

    return image_c

[docs]def colour_checkers_coordinates_segmentation(image, additional_data=False): """ Detects the colour checkers coordinates in given image :math:`image` using segmentation. This is the core detection definition. The process is a follows: - Input image :math:`image` is converted to a grayscale image :math:`image_g`. - Image :math:`image_g` is denoised. - Image :math:`image_g` is thresholded/segmented to image :math:`image_s`. - Image :math:`image_s` is eroded and dilated to cleanup remaining noise. - Contours are detected on image :math:`image_s`. - Contours are filtered to only keep squares/swatches above and below defined surface area. - Squares/swatches are clustered to isolate region-of-interest that are potentially colour checkers: Contours are scaled by a third so that colour checkers swatches are expected to be joined, creating a large rectangular cluster. Rectangles are fitted to the clusters. - Clusters with an aspect ratio different to the expected one are rejected, a side-effect is that the complementary pane of the *X-Rite* *ColorChecker Passport* is omitted. - Clusters with a number of swatches close to :attr:`SWATCHES` are kept. Parameters ---------- image : array_like Image to detect the colour checkers in. additional_data : bool, optional Whether to output additional data. Returns ------- list or ColourCheckersDetectionData List of colour checkers coordinates or :class:`ColourCheckersDetectionData` class instance with additional data. Notes ----- - Multiple colour checkers can be detected if presented in ``image``. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> from colour import read_image >>> from colour_checker_detection import TESTS_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY >>> path = os.path.join(TESTS_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY, ... 'colour_checker_detection', 'detection', ... 'IMG_1967.png') >>> image = read_image(path) >>> colour_checkers_coordinates_segmentation(image) [array([[1065, 707], [ 369, 688], [ 382, 226], [1078, 246]])] """ image = as_8_bit_BGR_image(adjust_image(image, WORKING_WIDTH)) width, height = image.shape[1], image.shape[0] maximum_area = width * height / SWATCHES minimum_area = width * height / SWATCHES / SWATCH_MINIMUM_AREA_FACTOR block_size = as_int(WORKING_WIDTH * 0.015) block_size = block_size - block_size % 2 + 1 # Thresholding/Segmentation. image_g = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) image_g = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising(image_g, None, 10, 7, 21) image_s = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(image_g, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, block_size, 3) # Cleanup. kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) image_c = cv2.erode(image_s, kernel, iterations=1) image_c = cv2.dilate(image_c, kernel, iterations=1) # Detecting contours. contours, _hierarchy = cv2.findContours(image_c, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) # Filtering squares/swatches contours. swatches = [] for contour in contours: curve = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 0.01 * cv2.arcLength(contour, True), True) if minimum_area < cv2.contourArea(curve) < maximum_area and is_square( curve): swatches.append( as_int_array(cv2.boxPoints(cv2.minAreaRect(curve)))) # Clustering squares/swatches. clusters = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8) for swatch in [ as_int_array(scale_contour(swatch, 1 + 1 / 3)) for swatch in swatches ]: cv2.drawContours(clusters, [swatch], -1, [255] * 3, -1) clusters = cv2.cvtColor(clusters, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) clusters, _hierarchy = cv2.findContours(clusters, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) clusters = [ as_int_array( scale_contour(cv2.boxPoints(cv2.minAreaRect(cluster)), 0.975)) for cluster in clusters ] # Filtering clusters using their aspect ratio. filtered_clusters = [] for cluster in clusters[:]: rectangle = cv2.minAreaRect(cluster) width = max(rectangle[1][0], rectangle[1][1]) height = min(rectangle[1][0], rectangle[1][1]) ratio = width / height if ASPECT_RATIO * 0.9 < ratio < ASPECT_RATIO * 1.1: filtered_clusters.append(cluster) clusters = filtered_clusters # Filtering swatches within cluster. counts = [] for cluster in clusters: count = 0 for swatch in swatches: if cv2.pointPolygonTest(cluster, contour_centroid(swatch), False) == 1: count += 1 counts.append(count) counts = np.array(counts) indexes = np.where( np.logical_and(counts >= SWATCHES * 0.75, counts <= SWATCHES * 1.25))[0].tolist() colour_checkers = [clusters[i] for i in indexes] if additional_data: return ColourCheckersDetectionData(colour_checkers, clusters, swatches, image_c) else: return colour_checkers
[docs]def extract_colour_checkers_segmentation(image): """ Extracts the colour checkers sub-images in given image using segmentation. Parameters ---------- image : array_like Image to extract the colours checkers sub-images from. Returns ------- list List of colour checkers sub-images. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> from colour import read_image >>> from colour_checker_detection import TESTS_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY >>> path = os.path.join(TESTS_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY, ... 'colour_checker_detection', 'detection', ... 'IMG_1967.png') >>> image = read_image(path) >>> extract_colour_checkers_segmentation(image) ... # doctest: +SKIP [array([[[ 86, 104, 113], [ 89, 102, 118], [ 88, 101, 117], ..., [ 79, 101, 114], [ 76, 101, 114], [ 79, 98, 110]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 84, 104, 112], [ 85, 102, 115], [ 84, 101, 115], ..., [ 80, 101, 110], [ 79, 101, 112], [ 78, 98, 112]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 84, 102, 112], [ 82, 102, 112], [ 82, 101, 113], ..., [ 81, 100, 109], [ 80, 100, 110], [ 79, 100, 113]], <BLANKLINE> ..., [[ 89, 105, 117], [ 90, 106, 120], [ 86, 106, 117], ..., [ 84, 100, 109], [ 83, 100, 111], [ 80, 100, 114]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 89, 106, 116], [ 91, 107, 121], [ 89, 106, 119], ..., [ 81, 99, 113], [ 79, 100, 115], [ 75, 100, 114]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 84, 108, 117], [ 89, 108, 117], [ 91, 107, 117], ..., [ 79, 98, 117], [ 77, 100, 117], [ 73, 101, 116]]], dtype=uint8)] """ image = as_8_bit_BGR_image(adjust_image(image, WORKING_WIDTH)) colour_checkers = [] for colour_checker in colour_checkers_coordinates_segmentation(image): colour_checker = crop_and_level_image_with_rectangle( image, cv2.minAreaRect(colour_checker)) width, height = (colour_checker.shape[1], colour_checker.shape[0]) if width < height: colour_checker = cv2.rotate(colour_checker, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) colour_checkers.append(colour_checker) return colour_checkers
[docs]def detect_colour_checkers_segmentation(image, samples=16, additional_data=False): """ Detects the colour checkers swatches in given image using segmentation. Parameters ---------- image : array_like Image to detect the colour checkers swatches in. samples : int Samples count to use to compute the swatches colours. The effective samples count is :math:`samples^2`. additional_data : bool, optional Whether to output additional data. Returns ------- list List of colour checkers swatches or :class:`ColourCheckerSwatchesData` class instances. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> from colour import read_image >>> from colour_checker_detection import TESTS_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY >>> path = os.path.join(TESTS_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY, ... 'colour_checker_detection', 'detection', ... 'IMG_1967.png') >>> image = read_image(path) >>> detect_colour_checkers_segmentation(image) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [array([[ 0.3594894..., 0.2225419..., 0.1176996...], [ 0.6250058..., 0.3931947..., 0.2417636...], [ 0.3304194..., 0.3142103..., 0.2874383...], [ 0.3034269..., 0.2721812..., 0.1053537...], [ 0.4153488..., 0.3183605..., 0.3067842...], [ 0.3458465..., 0.4393400..., 0.2912665...], [ 0.6782215..., 0.3519573..., 0.0752686...], [ 0.2715231..., 0.2515535..., 0.3295411...], [ 0.6171124..., 0.2687208..., 0.1852935...], [ 0.3049796..., 0.1792275..., 0.1908085...], [ 0.4844366..., 0.4576518..., 0.0392559...], [ 0.6494152..., 0.3991223..., 0.0329260...], [ 0.1922949..., 0.1842026..., 0.2731065...], [ 0.2780555..., 0.3836590..., 0.1233134...], [ 0.5515815..., 0.2126631..., 0.1250530...], [ 0.7178619..., 0.5132913..., 0.0804213...], [ 0.5753956..., 0.2563947..., 0.2672106...], [ 0.1799058..., 0.3160584..., 0.2945296...], [ 0.7402078..., 0.6088296..., 0.4374975...], [ 0.6272391..., 0.5156084..., 0.3713541...], [ 0.5120363..., 0.4196305..., 0.2976295...], [ 0.3690167..., 0.3019190..., 0.2083050...], [ 0.2624792..., 0.2143349..., 0.1428991...], [ 0.1625438..., 0.1333312..., 0.0807412...]])] """ image = adjust_image(image, WORKING_WIDTH) swatches_h, swatches_v = SWATCHES_HORIZONTAL, SWATCHES_VERTICAL colour_checkers_colours = [] colour_checkers_data = [] for colour_checker in extract_colour_checkers_segmentation(image): colour_checker = cctf_decoding( as_float_array(colour_checker[..., ::-1]) / 255) width, height = (colour_checker.shape[1], colour_checker.shape[0]) masks = swatch_masks(width, height, swatches_h, swatches_v, samples) swatch_colours = [] for i, mask in enumerate(masks): swatch_colours.append( np.mean( colour_checker[mask[0]:mask[1], mask[2]:mask[3], ...], axis=(0, 1))) # Colour checker could be in reverse order. swatch_neutral_colours = swatch_colours[18:23] is_reversed = False for i, swatch, in enumerate(swatch_neutral_colours[:-1]): if np.mean(swatch) < np.mean(swatch_neutral_colours[i + 1]): is_reversed = True break if is_reversed: swatch_colours = swatch_colours[::-1] swatch_colours = np.asarray(swatch_colours) colour_checkers_colours.append(swatch_colours) colour_checkers_data.append((colour_checker, masks)) if additional_data: return [ ColourCheckerSwatchesData(colour_checkers_colours[i], *colour_checkers_data[i]) for i, colour_checker_colours in enumerate(colour_checkers_colours) ] else: return colour_checkers_colours