Source code for colour_checker_detection.detection.inference

Colour Checker Detection - Inference

Defines the objects for colour checker detection using inference based on
*Ultralytics YOLOv8* machine learning model.

-   :attr:`colour_checker_detection.SETTINGS_INFERENCE_COLORCHECKER_CLASSIC`
-   :func:`colour_checker_detection.inferencer_default`
-   :func:`colour_checker_detection.detect_colour_checkers_inference`

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

import cv2
import numpy as np
from colour.hints import (
from import convert_bit_depth, read_image, write_image
from colour.models import eotf_inverse_sRGB, eotf_sRGB
from colour.plotting import CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE, plot_image
from colour.utilities import (
from colour.utilities.documentation import (

from colour_checker_detection.detection.common import (

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2018 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

if is_documentation_building():  # pragma: no cover
Settings for the inference of the *X-Rite* *ColorChecker Classic*.
        "aspect_ratio": 1000 / 700,
        "working_height": int(1440 / (1000 / 700)),
        "transform": {
            "translation": np.array([0, 0]),
            "rotation": 0,
            "scale": np.array([1.0, 1.05]),
        "inferred_class": "ColorCheckerClassic24",
        "inferred_confidence": 0.85,

if is_documentation_building():  # pragma: no cover
Settings for the inference of the *X-Rite* *ColorChecker Classic Mini*.
        "aspect_ratio": 1000 / 585,
        "working_height": int(1440 / (1000 / 585)),
        "transform": {
            "translation": np.array([0, 0]),
            "rotation": 0,
            "scale": np.array([1.15, 1.0]),
        "inferred_class": "ColorCheckerSG",
        "inferred_confidence": 0.85,

    os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "scripts", ""
Path to the default inference script.

The default script is provided under the terms of the
*GNU Affero General Public License v3.0* as it uses the *Ultralytics YOLOv8*
API which is incompatible with the *BSD-3-Clause*.

[docs] def inferencer_default( image: str | ArrayLike, cctf_encoding: Callable = eotf_inverse_sRGB, apply_cctf_encoding: bool = True, show: bool = False, ) -> NDArrayInt | NDArrayFloat: """ Predict the colour checker rectangles in given image using *Ultralytics YOLOv8*. Parameters ---------- image Image (or image path to read the image from) to detect the colour checker rectangles from. cctf_encoding Encoding colour component transfer function / opto-electronic transfer function used when converting the image from float to 8-bit. apply_cctf_encoding Apply the encoding colour component transfer function / opto-electronic transfer function. show Whether to show various debug images. Returns ------- :class:`np.ndarray` Array of inference results as rows of confidence, class, and mask. Warnings -------- This definition sub-processes to a script licensed under the terms of the *GNU Affero General Public License v3.0* as it uses the *Ultralytics YOLOv8* API which is incompatible with the *BSD-3-Clause*. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> from colour import read_image >>> from colour_checker_detection import ROOT_RESOURCES_TESTS >>> path = os.path.join( ... ROOT_RESOURCES_TESTS, ... "colour_checker_detection", ... "detection", ... "IMG_1967.png", ... ) >>> results = inferencer_default(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> results.shape # doctest: +SKIP (1, 3) >>> results[0][0] # doctest: +SKIP array(0.9708795...) >>> results[0][1] # doctest: +SKIP array(0.0...) >>> results[0][2].shape # doctest: +SKIP (864, 1280) """ temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: if not is_string(image): input_image = os.path.join(temp_directory, "input-image.png") if apply_cctf_encoding: image = cctf_encoding(image) write_image(image, input_image, "uint8") else: input_image = image output_results = os.path.join(temp_directory, "output-results.npz") [ # noqa: S603 sys.executable, PATH_INFERENCE_SCRIPT_DEFAULT, "--input", input_image, "--output", output_results, ] + (["--show"] if show else []) ) results = np.load(output_results, allow_pickle=True)["results"] finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_directory) return results
INFERRED_CLASSES: Dict = {0: "ColorCheckerClassic24"} """Inferred classes."""
[docs] def detect_colour_checkers_inference( image: str | ArrayLike, samples: int = 32, cctf_decoding=eotf_sRGB, apply_cctf_decoding: bool = False, inferencer: Callable = inferencer_default, inferencer_kwargs: dict | None = None, show: bool = False, additional_data: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[DataDetectionColourChecker | NDArrayFloat, ...]: """ Detect the colour checkers swatches in given image using inference. Parameters ---------- image Image (or image path to read the image from) to detect the colour checker rectangles from. samples Sample count to use to average (mean) the swatches colours. The effective sample count is :math:`samples^2`. cctf_decoding Decoding colour component transfer function / opto-electronic transfer function used when converting the image from 8-bit to float. apply_cctf_decoding Apply the decoding colour component transfer function / opto-electronic transfer function. inferencer Callable responsible to make predictions on the image and extract the colour checker rectangles. inferencer_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the ``inferencer``. show Whether to show various debug images. additional_data Whether to output additional data. Other Parameters ---------------- aspect_ratio Colour checker aspect ratio, e.g. 1.5. aspect_ratio_minimum Minimum colour checker aspect ratio for detection: projective geometry might reduce the colour checker aspect ratio. aspect_ratio_maximum Maximum colour checker aspect ratio for detection: projective geometry might increase the colour checker aspect ratio. swatches Colour checker swatches total count. swatches_horizontal Colour checker swatches horizontal columns count. swatches_vertical Colour checker swatches vertical row count. swatches_count_minimum Minimum swatches count to be considered for the detection. swatches_count_maximum Maximum swatches count to be considered for the detection. swatches_chromatic_slice A `slice` instance defining chromatic swatches used to detect if the colour checker is upside down. swatches_achromatic_slice A `slice` instance defining achromatic swatches used to detect if the colour checker is upside down. swatch_minimum_area_factor Swatch minimum area factor :math:`f` with the minimum area :math:`m_a` expressed as follows: :math:`m_a = image_w * image_h / s_c / f` where :math:`image_w`, :math:`image_h` and :math:`s_c` are respectively the image width, height and the swatches count. swatch_contour_scale As the image is filtered, the swatches area will tend to shrink, the generated contours can thus be scaled. working_width Size the input image is resized to for detection. fast_non_local_means_denoising_kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:`cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising` definition. adaptive_threshold_kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:`cv2.adaptiveThreshold` definition. interpolation_method Interpolation method used when resizing the images, `cv2.INTER_CUBIC` and `cv2.INTER_LINEAR` methods are recommended. Returns ------- :class`tuple` Tuple of :class:`DataDetectionColourChecker` class instances or colour checkers swatches. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> from colour import read_image >>> from colour_checker_detection import ROOT_RESOURCES_TESTS >>> path = os.path.join( ... ROOT_RESOURCES_TESTS, ... "colour_checker_detection", ... "detection", ... "IMG_1967.png", ... ) >>> image = read_image(path) >>> detect_colour_checkers_inference(image) # doctest: +SKIP (array([[ 0.3602327 , 0.22158547, 0.11813926], [ 0.62800723, 0.39357048, 0.24196433], [ 0.3284166 , 0.31669423, 0.28818974], [ 0.3072932 , 0.2744136 , 0.10451803], [ 0.4204691 , 0.31953654, 0.30901137], [ 0.34471545, 0.44057423, 0.29297924], [ 0.678418 , 0.35242617, 0.06670552], [ 0.27259055, 0.2535471 , 0.32912973], [ 0.6190633 , 0.27043283, 0.18543543], [ 0.30721852, 0.18180828, 0.19161244], [ 0.4858081 , 0.46007228, 0.03085822], [ 0.6499356 , 0.4018961 , 0.01579806], [ 0.19425018, 0.18621376, 0.27193058], [ 0.27500305, 0.38600868, 0.1245231 ], [ 0.55459476, 0.21477987, 0.12434786], [ 0.71898675, 0.5149239 , 0.00561224], [ 0.5787967 , 0.25837064, 0.2693373 ], [ 0.1743919 , 0.31709513, 0.29550385], [ 0.7383609 , 0.60645705, 0.43850273], [ 0.62609893, 0.5172464 , 0.36816722], [ 0.5117422 , 0.4191487 , 0.3013721 ], [ 0.36412936, 0.2987345 , 0.20754097], [ 0.26675388, 0.21421173, 0.14176223], [ 0.15856811, 0.13483825, 0.07938566]], dtype=float32),) """ if inferencer_kwargs is None: inferencer_kwargs = {} settings = Structure(**SETTINGS_INFERENCE_COLORCHECKER_CLASSIC) settings.update(**kwargs) swatches_horizontal = settings.swatches_horizontal swatches_vertical = settings.swatches_vertical working_width = settings.working_width working_height = settings.working_height results = inferencer(image, **inferencer_kwargs) if is_string(image): image = read_image(cast(str, image)) else: image = convert_bit_depth( image, DTYPE_FLOAT_DEFAULT.__name__, # pyright: ignore ) if apply_cctf_decoding: image = cctf_decoding(image) image = cast(Union[NDArrayInt, NDArrayFloat], image) rectangle = as_int32_array( [ [0, 0], [0, working_height], [working_width, working_height], [working_width, 0], ] ) colour_checkers_data = [] for result_confidence, result_class, result_mask in results: if result_confidence < settings.inferred_confidence: continue if settings.inferred_class != INFERRED_CLASSES[int(result_class)]: continue mask = cv2.resize( result_mask, image.shape[:2][::-1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_BITS, ) contours, _hierarchy = cv2.findContours( mask.astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) for quadrilateral in quadrilateralise_contours(contours): colour_checkers_data.append( sample_colour_checker( image, quadrilateral, rectangle, samples, **settings ) ) if show: colour_checker = np.copy(colour_checkers_data[-1].colour_checker) for swatch_mask in colour_checkers_data[-1].swatch_masks: colour_checker[ swatch_mask[0] : swatch_mask[1], swatch_mask[2] : swatch_mask[3], ..., ] = 0 plot_image( CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.colour.colourspace.cctf_encoding( colour_checker ), text_kwargs={ "text": ( f"Class: " f'"{INFERRED_CLASSES[as_int_scalar(result_class)]}", ' f"Confidence : {result_confidence:.3f}" ) }, ) plot_image( CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.colour.colourspace.cctf_encoding( np.reshape( colour_checkers_data[-1].swatch_colours, [swatches_vertical, swatches_horizontal, 3], ) ), ) if additional_data: return tuple(colour_checkers_data) else: return tuple( colour_checker_data.swatch_colours for colour_checker_data in colour_checkers_data )